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This document is a work in progress whose purpose is to describe the Mathlingua language, a language to precisely and concisely describe mathematical knowledge in a declarative format that is easy for people and computers to read and write. Its goal is to make it fun and easy to record, communiate, and discover mathematics.

Today there is so much mathematical knowledge in existence in the form of definitions, axioms, theorems, and conjectures, that it can be hard to know or discover what is known and what is unknown.

Suppose you want to find all theorems that describe Cauchy sequences or all definitions of functions that have a specific property. It is very difficult to answer such questions with traditional journals, books, encyclopedias, and other sources.

Mathlingua is a language designed to precisely describe mathematical knowledge in such a way that a knowledgebase encoded in MathLingua is easy for people and computers to read, write, and understand the meaning of the mathematical statement described.

That is, typically encyclopedias, books, and journals record mathematics using natural languages such that it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, for a computer to understand the meaning of the mathematics described in the encyclopedia.

That is, one can search for the definition of a group in current enclyclopedias, journals, and books etc. However, one cannot easily search for all definitions of mathematical constructs that extend the idea of a group to include more requirements.

The purpose of MathLingua is to build an encyclopedia of mathematics specifically designed to record mathematics in such a way that computers can understand the meaning of the mathematics recorded to be able to answer such questions.

An Example

To get a feel for the MathLingua language, consider the following theorem:

given: a, b
where: 'a, b is \integer'
. exists: q, r
  where: 'q, r is \integer'
  . '0 <= r'
  . 'r < b'
  . 'a = b * q + r'

It states that given two integers a and b then there exists integers q and r with 0 <= r < b such that a = b*q + r.

Notice that MathLingua uses indendation to describe the structure of a piece of mathematical knowledge with elements at the same indentation consisting of a single unit.

That is, in the example above, Theorem:given:where:then: constitutes one unit and exists:where:suchThat: constitues another unit. The first describes the overal structure of the theorem while the second describes the structure of statement of the existence of a particular mathematical entity with some properties.

These text elements are part of MathLingua's structural sublanguage that describes the structure of the theorem. The text in single quotes, on the other hand, is written in MathLingua's formulation sublanguage and describes the details of the theorem.

Next notice that if the theorem is read out loud, left to right, from top to bottom, it sounds very similar to how the theorem could be written in english in a textbook.

MathLingua is designed to have the same level of formality as, and a similar read to, the way mathematics is described in textbooks while have a structure that allows the content to be discoverable.

The goal of MathLingua is that anyone that can read and understand mathematical definitions, theorems, axioms, and conjectures can easily learn to read mathematical knowledge written in MathLingua. However, compared to mathematical knowledge written in natural languages like english, MathLingua provides consistency, conciseness, and precision.

Relationship to Other Mathematical Languages

MathLingua is distinct from representational languages like LaTeX or MathML, transfer languages like OMDoc, evaluative technologies like Sage, MatLab, and Mathematica and proof languages/theorem proving technologies like Coq, Lean, etc.

Representational languages are used to describe what mathematical statements look like when rendered on a screen or printed on a piece of paper but do not describe the meaning of the statements. MathLingua is designed to describe such meaning.

Transfer languages are used to encode mathematical knowledge in a way that can be stored on a hard drive or transferred between systems. OMDoc is an example of such a language, but uses XML as the underlying technology and is very verbose such that it is not designed to be directly written by hand. MathLingua, on the other hand, is designed to be concise and precise and can be easily read in its raw form and written by hand.

Evaluative systems like Sage, MatLab, and Mathematica are designed to calculate mathematical expressions. They are good, for example, at evaluating the definite integral of a particular function. MathLingua, on the other hand, is designed to describe mathematical knowledge, such as the fundamental theorem of calculus, rather than perform calculations.

Last, proof languages and technologies are designed to describe mathematical statements in a precise format using a fixed logical framework to allow the proofs of statements to be automatically verified by computers.

Such systems have a very steep learning code, and require mathematical statements to be described to using a particular framework.

One common framework used in proof assistants such as Coq and Lean is the Calculus of Constructions based on Martin-Löf type theory. This framework follows intuitionistic mathematics that, roughly speaking, requires constructive proofs of theorems and mathematical entities.

Another framework is Simple Type Theory or Higher Order Logic that is used by proof assistants such as Isabelle and HOL and HOL Light. This framework is an extension of second order logic.

Mathlingua uses a type theory inspired by Simple Type Theory with some extensions, but is designed to describe mathematical objects, not describe proofs. That is, proofs are written in natural language (although future version of Mathlingua may provide a proof language),

Moreover, the purpose of Mathlingua is enable one to read and write mathematical statements in a way that is very similar to the way they are written in mathematical textbooks and journals without having to know any technical details of type theory.

That is, Mathlingua is designed so that you do not need to know type theory to read, write, or understand statements written in Mathlingua.

Capturing All Aspects of a Piece of Mathematical Knowledge

MathLingua not only allows the precise description of a mathematical statement but is designed to record all aspects of knowledge about that statement, such as what it is called when spoken, how it is written, its background and impact, who discovered it, etc.

Consider the following example (Some parts of the example have been omitted with ... for clarity. Full examples with follow later in this document):

Defines: S
. written: "\int_{a?}^{b?} f?(x?) \: d x?"
. called: "Definite Riemann Integral of $f?(x?)$ on $[a?, b?]$"
. overview: "Precisely speaking, the Rieman Integral is ..."
. motivation: "The Rieman Integral was developed because ..."
. discovered: "@Bernhard.Riemann"
. "$Royden.Real.Analysis.Edition2:page{23}"

Note that the Documented:written: section describes how the definite Riemann integral of a function on an interval is rendered with LaTeX. The Documented:called: section, on the other hand, describes how one would describe the definite Riemann integral when spoken out loud.

The Documented:overview section contains a description of the Riemann Integral in a natural langugage. In addition, the motivation behind its importance is recorded in the Documented:motivation: section, and a list of people that contributed to its discovery in the Documented:discovered: section.

Last, the References: section provides a list of references for further information. As such, the MathLingua entry for the Definite Riemann Integral captures many aspects of the definition of the Definite Riemann Integral besides its formal statement.

Note the use of @ in @Bernhard.Riemann and $ in $Royden.Real.Analysis.Edition2:page{23}. These are sigils used to reference people and references. Similarly, the sigil \ is used to reference definitions, theorems, axioms, and conjectures. We will learn more about these sigils later in the text.

The Documented:written: section is very important since it decouples the way a mathematical concept is represented on paper from the name used to reference the concept, in this case \definite.riemann.integral[x]{f[x]}:from{a}:to{b}. The full reference name can be long so that it is clear what it represents, while the 'Documented:written:' section is used to "render" a statement written in Mathlingua to provide a form that matches how the concept is written on paper.

As an example, consider an example theorem (with parts omitted with ... for clarity).

. '\definite.riemann.integral[x]{f(x)}:from{0}:to{1} = 0'

The MathLingua build tool mlg (discussed in later sections) uses the LaTeX form of \definite.riemann.integral' in itsDocumented:written:` section to render the theorem statement as:

. $\int_{0}^{1} f(x) \: dx = 0$

Thus, the rendered form of the statement expresses the definite Riemann integral in the way it is typically written on paper, while the original MathLingua source can be viewed to see what the statement precisely means in case of ambiguities.

To understand when such ambiguities might exist, suppose the rendered form of a MathLingua statement contained the rendered item:

\[\int f\]

What does that text represent? It could mean the Riemann integral, Lebesgue integral, Daniel integral, or perhaps something entirely different. However, the original source of the MathLingua statement would be explicit. Perhaps it would say \riemann.integral{f} or \lebesgue.integral{f} to be unambiguous.

mlg: The Mathlingua Command Line Tool

The official command line tool for processing Mathlingua files is mlg. It provides functionality for checking Mathlingua files for errors as well as viewing rendered forms of the documents.


mlg comes as a standalone file, and is available for Linux, MacOS, and Windows for both x86_64 and ARM architectures.

To install mlg, simplify download, from the GitHub releases page, the appropriate file for your operating system and computer architecture and save it to your computer.

Note: Depending on where you save the mlg executable, you may need to update your system's PATH variable to instruct the system where to find the mlg executable.

Project Structure

Mathlingua files are text files encoded in UTF-8 that end with a .math extension.

If you open a terminal and execute the mlg tool, it will process all files with a .math extension recursively in the current working direction ignoring any files or directories that start with a ..

Ignoring files and directories starting with a . means the .git directory used by git to store information, and other similar directories are automatically ignored.


The mlg tool is invoked using the format mlg <command> [options] where <command> is one of check, view, version, or help and the optional [options] a specific to the command specified. For any command, the --help option can be used to get a printout of help info for that specific command.


Running mlg check recursively checks of .math files in the current working directory and prints any diagnostic messages to the console. The type of checks performed include but are not limited to:

  • Syntax errors
  • Referencing a non-existent definition, theorem, resource, person, etc.
  • The existence of multiple definitions, theorems, resources, people, etc. with the same signature
  • Referencing a definition, theorem, resource, person, etc. incorrectly (i.e. with the wrong number or type of arguments)
  • Ambiguous uses of operators

See the chapter, Checking Mathlingua Documents for more information about the type of checks performed and how to fix any errors returned.

The mlg check command can also be given an optional list of one or more .math files. In that case, all .math files in the current working directory and any subdirectory are checked, but only diagnostic message in the specified files are printed to the console. This is useful for debugging individual files.


As describing in the Introduction, Mathlingua files written using the Mathlingua syntax, where each definition specifies how it would be represented when written on paper, for example in a textbook or journal.

That information is used to render Mathlingua documents, and the mlg view command starts a server that hosts those documents on localhost:8080. To view the documents open your browser at localhost:8080, as shown below:

To use a different port number, use the --port option. For example, mlg view --port 3000 will have the documentation served on port 3000.

For more information, see the chapter Rendering Mathlingua Documents.


The mlg version command is used to determine which version of the Mathlingua tooling you are using.


The mlg help command is used to print information describing how to use the mlg command. Each command also supports the --help option to print usage information for that command, for example mlg check --help.

The Structural and Formulation Language

The Mathlingua language consists of two parts, an outer structural language and an inner formulation language.

Again consider the example:

given: a, b
where: 'a, b is \integer'
. exists: q, r
  where: 'q, r is \integer'
  . '0 <= r'
  . 'r < b'
  . 'a = b*q + r
. name:
  . "The Division Algorithm"
  . "[es]División Euclídea"

The structural language provides structure to the mathematical statement and uses indentation to connect related items and . for arguments.

In the above example,


is one structural unit while


is another structural unit and


is another structural unit.

Each structural unit is called a group and each part of a group is called a section. For example, the group exists:where:suchThat: has three groups, exists:, where: and suchThat:. Notice that a : follows a group name which is followed by one or more arguments.

Multiple arguments can be specified on the same line, as long as they are not groups themselves, and are separated by commas.

For example, in exists: q, r the group has arguments q and r. These arguments could also be specified on their own lines (preceded with .) either as:

exists: q
. r


. q
. r

However, if an argument to a section is a group, it must be specified on its own line. That is why in:

. exists: q, r
  where: 'q, r is \integer'
  . '0 <= r'
  . 'r < b'
  . 'a = b*q + r

The exists:where:suchThat: is on a new line preceded by a ..

Notice that the q and r in exists: q, r are not surrounded by single quotes while where: 'q, r is \integer' has an argument in single quotes.

Forms (such as q, r, f(x), (X, *), {(x, y) | ...}) can be specified in the structural language in sections that introduce names (such as exists:, forAll:, given: etc.) and they introduce a name as well as the shape of that name.

For example, q specifies a single opaque entity, f(x) represents a function-like object with x representing the input, (X, *) representing a tuple like object, and {(x, y) | ...} a set like object of tuples.

Because the structural language specifies the form of names introduced, operators like * in (X, *) can be specified and are treated as names, not as an operation acting on inputs (such as 1 * 2).

Text in single quotes, on the other hand, such as 'q, r is \integer' is written using the formulation language that describes computations and statements.

That is, q, r is \integer is a statement that q and r are integers (The is keyword will be discussed in more detail later).

In the formulation language any sequence of characters (with some caveats discussed later) from:

~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * - _ + = | / < >

are treated as operators. Thus 1 + 2 is interpreted as an operator + with arguments 1 and 2. Similarly, 1 @& 2 is interpreted as an operator @& with the same arguments.

Stropping is used to represent an operator itself. That is, "+" (note the double quotes) represents the name of the operator + itself.

Thus, the structural language describes the structure of a piece of mathematical knowledge while the formulation language describes computations and statements.

Last, notice the section:

. name:
  . "The Division Algorithm"
  . "[es]División Euclídea"

with arguments in double quotes, "The Division Algorithm" and "[es]División Euclídea".

Text in double quotes are text-items, and represent textual information. This text is UTF-8 encoded and by default is interpreted as English.

If the text is in another language, the text can start with an ISO 639-1 language code in a square braces to specify the language.

For example in "[es]División Euclídea" the [es] specifies that the text is in Spanish.

The Formulation Language


  * Describe that underscores can be used
  * Describe stropping is done with ""
  * Describe that backtick is used for quote
  * Describe that `(x)` and `x` are equivalent and
    `f((x,y,z))` and
    `f(x, y, z)` are equivalent
Fixed sets
Conditional sets
  * Describe variadic args
  * Describe how `f(x)` means the structure in structural view
    and value otherwise
  * Describe variadic args

* Describe how ordinal calls can be used `x{i}` and `f(x){i}`.
* Details
  * Forms can be nested
  * Forms describe structure


* Examples
* Usage
* Directed `@[]`
* Variadic
* Signatures
  * Only allows for overloading in directions but whenever any
    part of the
    command is variadic, the whole this is treated as variadic
    there can only be one variadic form
* Describe how `[]{}` and `[]{:}` is sugar for mapping and
  set inputs
  • is, as, extends
    • just a brief intro
  • :=
    • Describe how identifiers can only be set once
  • =
    • Describe that it is built-in but has no meaning
  • :=>
    • Describe it is used for aliases that match the type of the input
  • :->
    • Describe it is used for is-like forms and the rules around it


Commands are of the form \(name.)*name([]?{}(@name[])?)?(:name[]?{}(@name[])?)*(())?. For example, the following are valid:

\{x, y}:xyz{a, b}
\{1, 2}:abc{x, y}:xyz{a, b}
\{1, 2}:abc{x, y}:xyz{a, b}(a, b)

In particular, if a {} accepts exactly one argument, and that argument is a mapping or conditional set, then the {} can be suffixed with @name[vars] where name is optional and can be any name and vars is one or more vars from the mapping or conditional set:

\int[x, y]{x^2 + y^2}@d[x]
\int[x, y]{x^2 + y^2}@d[x, y]
\int[x, y]{x^2 + y^2}@d[y, x]
\something[x,y]{x | x > y}@[x]
\something[u(x), v(x)]{u(x)^2 + v(x)^2}@[u(x)]


Mathlingua supports the following literal forms that describe the structure of items:

(a, b, c)       specifies tuples
{a, b, c}       specifies a fixed set-like item
[a,b]{(a, b) | ...}  specifies a conditional set-like item
f(x, y)         specifies a mapping-like item
X               specifies a name

that have the corresponding literal expression forms:

(a, b, c)
{a, b, c}
[a,b]{(a, b) | a is \something ; a > 0}
x => x + 1
(x, y) => x + y

Note: Literals forms can have any other literal form for placeholder vars (for example params in mapping-like and conditional set-like items). For example:

f(x, y)
f(u(x), v(x))
f({a, b, c})
f((a,b), (c,d))
[u(x), v(x)]{(u(x), v(x)) | u(x) + v(x) > x}

However, a single tuple (x) is the same as x. As such, f((a, b)) is the same as f(a, b).

Note: Command arguments in curly parens support a short form for literals:

That is:

\some.command[x,y]{x^2 + y^2}

is equivalent to:

\some.command{(x, y) => x^2 + y^2}


\some.command[x,y]{(x, y) | x > 0 ; y > 0}

is equivalent to:

\some.command{[x,y]{(x, y) | x > 0 ; y > 0}}

Note: If a literal is supplied to a command, the when: section specifies what is assumed holds for the literal instead of verifying the input.

Variable Shadowing

Variables cannot shadow other variables within an entity except in one instance: Placeholder variables can be shadowed as a non-placeholder variable.

For example,

Defines: f(x)
. forAll: x
  then: 'f(x) <= M'

On the Defines: line the x is a placeholder var and the x on the forAll line is a non-placeholder var.


* Order of operations
* General prefix, postfix, infix
* Enclosed (`[G.*]` and `[\[a.b.c].*]`)
* `:` for resolution

Built in types

* `[[statement]]`, `[[spec]]`, `[[value]]`, `[[kind]]`
* [[statement|spec|value|kind]]

Specs vs clauses

The Structural Language

  • Guiding principles
    • Structural language is fixed and formulation language is fluid
    • Indentation based with dot space for arguments

Building blocks:

not:  Clause
allOf:  Clause+
anyOf:  Clause+
oneOf:  Clause+
exists:    Target+
where?:    Spec+
suchThat:  Clause+
existsUnique:  Target+
where?:        Spec+
suchThat:      Clause+
forAll:     Target+
where?:     Spec+
suchThat?:  Clause+
then:       Clause+
if:    Clause+
then:  Clause+
iff:   Clause+
then:  Clause+
(if:         Clause+
 then:       Clause+)+
else?:       Clause+
when:  Spec+
then:  Clause+
given:      Target+
where?:     Spec+
suchThat?:  Clause+
then:       Clause+

Common aspects

* `[ids]`
  * MetaIds
  * Documented
    * describe each item
  * References
    * brief overview with reference to the References section
  * Aliases
  * Justification

Labels can contain any text, \[some.signature] or \[some.operator]/ specifies an entire definition or result and \[some.signature]::[some label] or \[some.operator]/::[some label] refers to a label inside of a definition or result.

Aliases Items

An alias is used to provide a shortened way to describe an operation. For example, a * b :=> a \real.*/ b specifies that * represents real multiplication.

alias:       Alias
written?:    Text
Provides Items

Provides items are used to describe the operations or members provided by a defined entity. For example, items in a group provide a * operation and provides an e member that represents the identity of the group.

symbol:    Alias
written?:  Text
to:          Target
using?:      Target+
means:       Spec
signifies?:  Spec
through?:    Expression
Documented Items

Documented items are used to document parts of a mathematical entity such as how it is written in text or spoken aloud, a overview of the item, and informal description, its history, etc.

written:  Text
called:  Text
writing:  Target
as:       Text
overview:  Text
motivation:  Text
history:  Text
example:  Text+
related:  Text+
discoverer:  Author+
note:  (Text|describing:)+
describing:  Text
content:     Text
References Items

References are used in items to specify the justification for different labeled parts of the item.

label:    Text
by:       Text|Signature
comment:  Text
by:       Text|Signature
comment:  Text
Metadata Items
id:  Text


  * Describe this is like abstract type
  * Describe how to assign symbols
  * Describe how to assign connections
  * Describe this is like concrete type
  * Describe how to assign symbols
  * Describe how to assign connections
  * Describe `generalizes:`

A Describes: item is used to define an abstract mathematical entity.

Describes:    Target
with?:        Target+
using?:       Target+
when?:        Spec+
suchThat?:    Clause+
extends?:     Spec+
satisfies?:   Clause+
Provides?:    ProvidedItem+
Justified?:   JustifiedItem+
Documented?:  DocumentedItem+
References?:  ReferencesItem+
Aliases?:     AliasesItem+
Metadata?:    MetadataItem+

A Defines: item is used to define a concrete mathematical entity.

Defines:      Target
with?:        Target+
using?:       Target+
when?:        Spec+
suchThat?:    Clause+
generalizes?: Formulation[Signature]+
means?:       Spec
specifies:    Clause+
Provides?:    ProvidesItem+
Justified?:   JustifiedItem+
Documented?:  DocumentedItem+
References?:  ReferencesItem+
Aliases?:     AliasesItem+
Metadata?:    MetadataItem+

A States: item is used to describe the relationship between two mathematical entities.

with?:        Target+
using?:       Target+
when?:        Spec+
suchThat?:    Clause+
that?:        Spec+
satisfies?:   Clause+
Documented?:  DocumentedItem+
Justified?:   JustifiedItem+
References?:  ReferencesItem+
Aliases?:     AliasesItem+
Metadata?:    MetadataItem+


An Axiom: item describes a mathematical result that assumed to be true.

given?:       Target+
where?:       Spec+
if|iff?:      Clause+
then:         Clause+
Documented?:  DocumentedItem+
References?:  ReferencesItem+
Aliases?:     AliasesItem+
Metadata?:    MetadataItem+

A Conjecture: item is used to describe a mathematical result that is thought to be true but no proof of the result exists.

given?:       Target+
where?:       Spec+
if|iff?:      Clause+
then:         Clause+
Documented?:  DocumentedItem+
References?:  ReferencesItem+
Aliases?:     AliasesItem+
Metadata?:    MetadataItem+

A Theorem: item is used to describe a mathematical result that has a proof.

given?:       Target+
where?:       Spec+
if|iff?:      Clause+
then:         Clause+
Proof?:       (Proof:|Text)
Documented?:  DocumentedItem+
References?:  ReferencesItem+
Aliases?:     AliasesItem+
Metadata?:    MetadataItem+

A Proof: item is used to describe a proof for a mathematical theorem.

of:           Text
content:      Text
References?:  ReferencesItem+
Metadata?:    MetadataItem+

An item that specifies the proof of a theorem.


of: TextItem
content: TextItem
References?:  ReferencesItem+


A resource is used to describe a book, article, website, etc.

Resource: ResourceItem+
Resource Items
title: Text
author: Person+
offset: Text
url: Text
homepage:  Text
type: Text
edition:  Text
editor:  Text+
institution:  Text+
journal:  Text+
publisher: Text+
volume:  Text
month:  Text
year:  Text
description:  Text


A specify item is used to describe how number literal should be viewed. For example 2 is an integer and 2.5 is a real number.

Specify:  SpecifyItem+
Specify Items
is:        Signature
is:        Signature
is:    Signature
is:        Signature
is:        Signature


A person item is used to describe a person such as an author.

. name: Text+
. biography: Text


A topic is used to describe the general area of mathematics such as Real Analysis.

content:      Text
References?:  ReferencesItem+
Metadata?:    MetadataItem+

Rendering Mathlingua Documents

  • Describe how functions, tuples, etc. are rendered
  • Describe how called:, written:, and writing: are used
  • Describe purpose of separating description with rendering
  • Pretty printing
    • Describe how alpha, beta, etc. are automatically rendered as greek letters
    • Describe how a_1 and a1 are valid identifiers and they are rendered the same

The Type System

  • Flow based typing with something similar to intersection types
  • Describe how is works and how types are a collection of
  • Describe how extends works
  • Describe how every name must share a common ancestor type
  • Describe how f(x), f, and x are all different names
  • Describe relation to simple type theory

Symbol Resolution

  • Describe how operators and commands are resolved
  • Describe how :-> is used during spec resolution
  • Describe how names are resolved (looking in local scope, then global, and then Specify:)

Checking Mathlingua Documents

  • Guiding principles
    • Describe the cost/benefit tradeoff justifying why the checker is design the way it is
  • Items that are checked
    • todo list them all here
  • Items that are not checked

Project Status

Feature Parser Support mlg check Support
Name forms x
Tuple forms x
Mapping forms x
Set forms x
Tuple literals x
Mapping literals x
Set literals x
Commands without direction x
Commands with direction x
[]{} function argument sugar x
[]{|} set argument sugar x
Meta types i.e. [[statement]] x
Regular prefix operators x
Regular postfix operators x
Regular infix operators x
Enclosed prefix member operators x
Enclosed postfix member operators x
Enclosed infix member operators x
Enclosed type-level prefix operators
Enclosed type-level postfix operators
Enclosed type-level infix operators
Group labels x
Inline labels
Signatures for casting x
Signatures with labels for references x
is syntax x
as syntax x
extends syntax x