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Getting Started

To get started first fork the repository that contains the Mathlore content. This is the community's collection of mathematical content written in the Mathlingua language.

Next, download the latest release of the Mathlingua command line tool from the releases page, rename it to mlg, and ensure it is in your PATH.

Last, you can use whatever editor you like to edit Mathlingua code. However, if you use Visual Studio Code you can install the Mathlingua Language Support extension that provides syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and error diagnostics provided by mlg.

Mathlingua files have the .math extension and the mathlingua-language-support extension is designed to analyze any files with the .math extension.

Using the Mathlingua Tooling Manually

The mlg tool uses the format mlg <command> where <command> is an action to perform:

  • mlg check: Analyzes all .math files in the current working directory recursively for any errors and prints them to the screen. Optionally, if directory or .math file name(s) are specified, only errors for those files are printed to the screen.
  • mlg view: Serves the current directory's Mathlingua files at http://localhost:8080 so that they can be viewed.
  • mlg version: Prints the Mathlingua version.
  • mlg help: Prints information about how to use mlg.